Upsc Mathematics Guide for Preparation

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Upsc Mathematics CheckList to Check your Progress 

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Linear Algebra

1 Given Linear Transformation, Find a) Rank, b) Nullity c) Range Space d) Null Space
2Given Matrix Form of Linear Transformation, Find a) Rank, b) Nullity c) Range Space d) Null Space
3Given Linear Transformation with Two Different Bases Sets, Find Matrix
4Given Linear Transformation with Standard Basis. Find Matrix relative to New Basis Set
5State and Prove Cayley Hamilton theorem
6Given Homogeneous Equation, Find Dimension and Basis
7Find Rank of Matrices
8Given Matrix, Find Inverse and Express High order Matrix Polynomial in terms of A
9Given Matrices, find Eigen Values and eigen Vectors
10Given Matrix A, Find A(power of 300 ) using Cayley Hamilton
12Given Linear Eqn , Find Condition fora) No Solutionb) Unique Solutionc) Infinite Solutions
13Given Matrix A , Find NonSingular Matrix P , such that P(inverse)*A*P is a diagonal matrix
14Given Hermitian Matrix A , Find NonSingular Matrix P , such that P(transpose)*A*P is a diagonal matrix
15Given Vector Set: Check for Linear Independency (In Real Field and Complex Field)
16Prove DIM (A + B) = DIM A + DIM B……
17Problems using DIM( A +B) relation
18State and Prove Rank Nullity Theorem
19Reduction to Quadratic Form, Find Index, Signature, Rank
20Reduce the quadratic form 7x2+6y2+5z2-4xy-4yz to the canonical form
21Problems on Unitary, Hermitian given in Krishna Series-Matrices
22Show A.(adj A) = |A|* I Show adj (adj A) = A { power of (n-2) square }
23Theorems1) Similar Matrix have same Eigen Values2) Distinct NonZero Eigen Vectors are Linear Independent3) Eigen values of A * (Adj A) is Real and show Trace (A* Adj A) = Trace (Adj A * A)5) Characteristic Root of Adj A

1Improper Integrals Limit TestCauchy TestAbsolute Convergence and conditional convergenceAbel TestDirichlet Test
2Mean Value theorem Rolle TheoremLagrange Theorem ( Also proof)Cauchy MVTFunction Increasing/DecreasingGeneralized MVT
3Lagrange Multiplier Max/Min
4Riemann Integrals Summation of SeriesTheorems :1) Continuous is integrable2) Bounded and Finite Set of Discontinuity is integrable3) Bounded and Discontinuity point has fixed limit point is integrable4) Monotonic is integrable Integral Inequality EqnFirst Mean Value TheoremGeneralised Mean Value TheoremSecond Mean Value Theorem
5Multiple Integrals Change of Order of IntegrationEvaluation of Integrals
7Asymptote General MethodInspection methodIntersection of Curve and Asymptote
9Continuity Types of DiscontinuityHeine Continuity methodBolzano Intermediate Value Theorem Uniform Continuity
11Max/ Min Single Variable Find Max/Min of functionProblems to find Max/Min Area, Surface, Height
12Max Min TWO Variables Find Max/Min of function
13Max/Min Multiple Variables
14Length of Arc
15Areas CartesianPolarLoop/Asymptotes
16Volumes CartesionPolarSpherical System
18Partial Differentiation
19PD Eulers
20Total Differentiation
21Definite Integral as Sum
22Beta Gamma PropertiesRelation between Beta and GammaLegendre Duplication Formula and Properties
23Beta Gamma Several Variables Evaluation of Integrals
24Jacobians Polar CoordinatesRoot equation problemsConnected Equations
25Differentiation under Integral
26Sequence Bolzano-Weistress TheoremCauchy First Theorem on LimitCauchy second Theorem on LimitCaseros TheoremCauchy sequenceMonotone Convergence Theorem
27Series Necessary ConditionComparison TestComparison Test of Second KindD Alembert Ratio TestCauchy nTH Root TestRaabe TestLogarithmic TestDE Morgan and Bertrand TestSecond Logarithmic Ratio TestKummer TestGauss Test Cauchy Integral TestCauchy Condensation Test
28Uniform Convergence Cauchy PrincipleMn TestWeirstrass TestAbel TestDirichlet Test Properties ona)Sumb) Differntiabilityc) Integrability
29Functions of Several Variables LimitContinuityDifferentiability
30MVT Taylor Maclurin Expansion
S.NoTopic Tick
1Obtain (a)Quadrature Formula, (b)Trapezoid Rule, (c)Simpson 1/3, (d) Simpson3/8. Rule and also (e)derive their Error Formula for ALL RULES.
2 Derive Newton Raphson Method,b) Find Condition for its convergencec) Show rate of convergence is quadraticd) Explain its merits and demerits.
3 Bisection Method
4 Regula Falsi Method
5 Secant Method
6 Iteration Method and its Convergence
7 Derive Newton Gregory Forward interpolation formula, and its Error.
8Derive Newton Gregory’s Backward Interpolation formula and its Error
9Derive Lagrange interpolation formula and derive its Error formula
10Prove that Lagrange’s formula can be put in the form of .
11Show that the sum of Lagrangian coefficient is unity.
12Use Lagrange’s interpolation formula to express the function a) b) as sums of partial fractions.
13Find the parabola passing through points (0,1) (1,3) and (3,55) using Lagrange’s formula.
14Derive Gauss Quadrature Formula.
15Evaluate the integral using Gauss Quadrature n=5.Find the value of the integral using Gauss Quadrature n=4.
16Solve ODE Problems a) Euler b) Euler Modified c)Runge Kutta Order 1, Order 4
17Solve Linear Eqns a) Gauss Elimination b) Gauss Jordan c) Gauss Seidel d) Gauss Jacobi
18Use Gauss Jordan to Find Inverse
19Conversion a) Decimal to Octogonal and Vice versab) Decimal to Hexadeceimal and vice versa
20Solve Boolean Expression
Write Flow Chart and Algorithm for
1Lagrange Interpolation
3Simpson 1/3
4Simpson 3/8
5Regula falsi
6Newton Raphson
7Fixed point iteration
9RK method
10Check for prime number
Complex Analysis
1Given U or V as Harmonic Function, find its Conjugate and also Function
2Given Function and Given Pointa)Show it satisfy Cauchy Riemann eqnb)Show Analytic or Non-Analytic c)Show Existence of Derivative or Not
3Expand in Taylor Series
4Expand in Laurent Series
5Use Cauchy Residue Theorem, to Evaluate the Integral
6Contour Integrations
7Application of Rouchi TheoremGiven Polynomial Equation, and to show the roots lies in the intervalFind Residue of a Given Function at a given Point
9Find the Kind of Singularity
10Find Region of Convergence of Complex Series ( Asked in Previous Year BUT Less Probability of Asking Now )
Important Theorems of Complex Analysis: a) Prove that every power series representing an analytic function inside its circle of convergence b) If all zeroes of the polynomial ���(���) lies in a half plane show that zeros of the derivative ���′(���) also lie in the same plane. c) Suppose that f and g are two analytic function on the set of ∅ for all complex numbers with ���(1/ ���)=���(1/ ���) ��������� ���=1,2,3… then show that ���(���)=���(���) for each z in ∅. d) Poisson’s Integral Formula for A Circle.If is analytic in the region is any number such that 0<R<P then prove that is any point of the domain e) (Fundamental theorem of Algebra)Let P(z) = a0 + a1z + ….+anzn, where n > 1 and an 0 so that P(z) is a polynomial of degree one or greater. Then the equation P(z) =0 has at least one root. f) Every polynomial equation P(z) = a0+a1z+a2z2+…anzn = 0, where n > 1, an . g) If f(z) has a pole of order m at z0, then the function φ defined by φ(z) = (z-z0)m f(z) has a removable singularity at z0 and φ(z0) Also show that the residue at z0 is given by . h) Show that a function which has no singularity in the finite part of the plane and has a pole of order n at infinity is a polynomial of degree n. (i) A polynomial of degree n has no singularities in the finite part of the plane but has a pole of order n at infinity. (j) If a function f(z) is analytic for all finite values of z and as ∣z∣ k then f(z) is a polynomial of degree < k. (k) If f(z) is a function such that for some positive integer m, a value φ(z0) exists with φ(z0) 0 such that the function φ(z) = (z-z0)m f(z) is analytic at z0. Then f(z) has a pole of order m at z0.
Linear Programming
1Formulation of LPP
2Graphical Method of Solution
3Simplex Method
4Big M Method
5Construct Dual and Solve
6Transportation Problem
7Assignment Problem
1Formation of PDE of a given function
2Formation of PDE of type F [ g(x,y,z) , h(x.y,z) ] =0
3Lagrange Eqns : Various Methods
4Surface Orthogonal to a given Surface
5Charpit method
6Clairaut equations
7Jacobi method
8Homogeneous Linear PDE with Constant Coefficient
9Cauchy Method of Characteristic Strip ( Total 10 Qns )
10Canonical Form
11Linear PDE of Second Order with Constant Coefficient
Application of PDE
12Wave Eqna) Initial Velocity is zero, Initial Displacement is Givenb) Initial Velocity is Given, Initial Displacement is Zero
13Heat Eqna)Initial Temperature f(x) .Both Ends suddenly changed to Zero Temperatureb)Initial Tempearature (T1 , T2 ) , suddenly change to ( T3 , T4)c)Initial Temperature f(x) .Both Ends Insulated suddenlyd)At t=0 distribution is f(x). Suddenly One end is kept at T1 and other end Insullated
14Laplace Eqnsa)Three sides Temerature is 0, Other side f(x)b)Two sides Temperature is 0, One side f(x), Other side at Infinte Longc)One side Insulated ( X-Axis)d)One Side Insulated ( Opposite side of X-Axis)e)Two sides Insulated , X-axis side f(x), Other side 0f)Two sides Insulated, X-axis side 0, Other side f(x)g)Three sides Insulated
15Laplace in Polar Coordinate Sysytema)SemiCircular Plateb)Circular Arcc)Circular Plated)Circular Annulus
1Moment of Inertia
2D Alembert Principle Problems
3Lagrange Eqns
4Hamilton Eqns
5Fixed Axis Motions
6Motion in 2Dimension
1Lagrangian, Euler methods
2Velocity, acceleration in ALL COORDINATE SYSTEM
3Eqn of continuity
4Boundary conditions
5Steam line
6Velocity potential
7Euler eqn of motion
8Bernauli eqn
92D Source and Sink, doublets, Problems on Images
10Irrotational motion
11Cylinder Motion
12Coaxial Cylinder Questions
13Spherical motion
14Stoke Steam function
15Vortex motion
16Navier Stoke Eqn
17Plane poiseulli flow
18Laminar steady flow Coaxial cylinder
Analytic Geometry
Straight Lines
1Find coordinate the foot of perpendicular from given point to a plane. And also find distance
2Plane and St line: Parallel/ Perpendicular / Coincide
3Projection of Line on Plane
4Condition for Coplanar Lines
5Determine Eqn of St Line intersecting two given Lines
6Find Perpendicular distance of a point from line and its foot coordinate
7Intersection of 3 Planes
Shortest Distance
1Find SD between two lines and obtain eqn of SD (Very Imp)Projection MethodTwo Lines in Symmetric FormOne-line General, Other Symmetric FormTwo lines in General Form
1Skew LinesFind locus of line, which intersects set of lines or function
1Eqn of plan through 3 points
2Angle between planes
3Variable Plane Problems
4Bisecting Planes
5Combined Eqn of Planes
6Projection of planes
1Sphere touching plane
2Sphere through Circle
3Eqn of tangent plane to sphere and its condition
4Polar plane eqn and find pole
5Intersection of Spheres and orthogonality condition
1Eqn parallel to line and guiding curve
2Right Circular Cylinder
3Tangent Plane
4Enveloping Cylinder
1Find eqn of cone with Vertex origin cone
2Find cone, with non origin vertex
3Condition for second degree to represent cone and find coordinates
4Tangent Line and Tangent Plane of ConeCondition for Tangency
5Reciprocal cone
6Angle between lines in which plane cuts Cone
7Condition for 3 mutually perpendicular generators
8Condition for 3 mutually perpendicular tangent planes
9Right Circular Cone
10Enveloping Cone
Central Conicoids
1Find Eqn of Tangent planeCondition for Tangency
2Director Sphere
3Polar Planes, Pole
4Locus of Chord Bisected at a given point
5Normal to Conicoids
6Prove 6 normals to ellipsoid
7Find cubic curve through feet of normal
8Diametral Plane
9Problems on Semi conjugate diameter properties
1Rectilinear Motion
3Constrained Motion
4Projectile Motion
5Problems on Central Forces
6Motion in a Plane
7Work, Energy,Impulse
8Stable and Unstable Equilibrium
9Common Catenary
10Virtual Work
MODERN ALGBERAPlz Refer to Question Bank Questions of SuccessClap VECTOR ANALYSIS
1Directional Derivative : Max/Min , Angle made,
2Vector Identities: Proofa) Curl (A XB)b) Div (A X B )c) Grad (A.B)d) Curl(curl A)
3Invariance under Transformation
4Green Theorem
5Stoke Theorem
6Divergence Theorem
7Work done
8Curves in Space
9Problems on finding Radius of Curvature, Torsion
10Find Curvature Vector
11Derive Serret Frennet formula
12Show curve lie in Plane
1Formation of DE
2Eqn of 1st Order, 1st DegreeLinear Differential EqnsEqn reducible to Linear formBernauli Eqn
3List of Important Results like Subnornal,subtangent, length of normal and tangent, Eqn of Tangent and NormalTangent and Normal X and Y interceptPolar subtangent, subnormal, length of tangent, normal
4Orthogonal Tarajectory/Oblique Trajectory Eqn
5Eqn of First Order but not of first degreeSolvable for pSolvable for xSolvable for yLagrange formEqn in Claurait FormEqn reducible to Caurait formSingular Soln
6Linear Differential Eqns with Consatnt Coefficients
7Homogeneous Linear Eqn/Cauchy Euler EqnLegendre linear eqns
8Method of variation of parameters
9Linear Eqn of Second OrderReduction with One known integralReduction to NormalChanging independent variable
11Inverse Laplace
12Application to initial value problems for 2nd order linear equations with constant coefficients.


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