How to prepare Upsc mathematics during lockdown

Follow our Strategy, Work Hard, Become IAS.

Utilize TIME wisely.  Don't Waste your Time.

Prepare with a COMPASS : You should know what to study.  Right Compass will give you Right Direction and Destination. Preparation without compass, will waste your Time, Youth and Energy.

Upsc Mathematics Strategy during Lockdown

Upsc Exam got postponed and it is scheduled for 10-10-2021. Lockdown is held at everywhere. So you have TIME to prepare well for the exam. Its a golden opportunity to improve. So don't waste your single second and start preparing for the exam. 

Donot miss the TRAIN. The train is waiting ONLY FOR YOU. Run fast and Catch the train. Its the rare opportunity, which should not be missed. 


1) Upsc Mathematics Preparation Stages.

2) When Should I learn Theorems ?

3) How to Learn Mechanics ?

4) How to Learn Fluid Dynamics ?

5) How to Learn Statics and Dynamics ?

6) I am a Fresher and appearing for UPSC Exam 2021, but my preparation is not complete. What should be my Strategy ?

7) I completed Syllabus once. I have no confidence. What should be the Strategy ?

8) I appeared for Mains earlier. What should be my Strategy?

9) Role of Mock Tests for Upsc Maths Exam

10)Question Bank and Solutions for UPSC Maths Exam.

1) The Preparation for Upsc Maths is in 4 Stages:

Stage 1: Learning New Topics.

Step 1: Take Printout of Upsc Maths Syllabus. Take Printout of Previous Year Questions. Take Printout of Checklist of Important Topics given in SuccessClap website.


Upsc clearly follows a pattern from last 20 years. Understand it by reading the syllabus and Previous year questions.

Checkout the Checklist given by us. It has a list of important topics which must be done on priority basis. Do IMPORTANT TOPICS THINGS FIRST.

Follow ANY ONE BOOK for a topic. It is advisable to read from Standard Text Books ONLY. Don't read from Ready made Study material. Don't read from Toppers Notes. It is his notes, not your notes. You need to have First Hand Information. Internet is Full of Study material, pds, ebooks etc. But always learn from Standard Text books.Use the ready made study material as a supplementary reading material. 

You can download Free SuccessClap Study material from the website. The study material is Not hand written. It is compilation from standard text books. It is sufficient for initial stage of Learning. Checkout the Link .

Checkout the List of Standard Text books which you must Follow.

How to PREAPARE NOTES ? Do I need it ?

It  is advisable to maintain 2 Notebooks.

 Book 1 is Formula book, which has ONLY formulas from ALL Topics. Write down All formulas which you come across.  Write down All Integration formulas, because some times it is really difficult to recollect basic formulas. 

Example 1 .What is the equation of a circle, which lies on Origin and  X-axis pass through centre. It is r=a.COS(t). Such formula is regulary used in Dynamics, ODE and vector Analysis.

Example 2. Use of Walli's theorem in Definite Integrals.

Book 2 should contain the brief understanding of a concept. 

All the theorems which you will be using to solve a problem.

One Question and Answer related to a particular model. Make sure you cover All Models

It should also contain brief substitution, formula used, for a given problem. Example: ODE Clairaut Problems. Write down ALL questions on left side and the substitution at right side.  You can never solve these problems in exam, unless you put RIGHT SUBSTITUION. By seeing a question, you must remember the substitution. By repeated revision, you will remember the substitution.

Should I learn Proof of  Theorem ?  

Donot waste your time on Proof of theorem, during initial Preparation. You just note down all theorems at one place. You learn proof of the theorems only after finishing your syllabus.

Stage 2: Practice All Problems . 

Upsc asks questions from Indian Books like Krishna series, S.Chand, Dr.M.D. Raisinghania, Golden Series Books, State level Graduation Books.

The Strategy is SIMPLE. Learn how to solve different type of problems. Learn the substitutions and the formula used to solve the Solve the Problems . One question from each model must be solved.

During Exam, you have to solve 25 questions in 3 hours. You don't have time to think. You have to be fast to solve problems. You will be FAST, only if you have solved it earlier or you know the procedure. All UPSC toppers have worked very very hard, and they have solved more problems, so they became Topper.

Upsc Maths is different from IIT-JEE exam. For IIT JEE exam, you should have clarity of concept and deep understanding. 

 But for Upsc Maths exam, the strategy is SIMPLE. Upsc asks a question from a well defined standard text book. You are supposed to give answer. It doesn't matter , your IQ and EQ level . It doesn't matter you are IITian or B.Sc Graduate. Whoever give right answer, will be a topper. Upsc is asking you to give answer. Either you mug up, understand, think, find logic,  whatever you do.. Just give answer and get marks.

If a question appears in Upsc exam, which you have solved earlier, then it takes very very less time to solve it. Sometimes you even know the answer

So Practice, Practice and More Practice.

Stage 3: Taking Test Series . 

This is very important stage of preparation.


You will know the topics you missed during preparation. Example Asymptotes, Integration using Differentiation, Beta and Gamma Functions etc.


You will know how to manage TIME in solving problems.


You will know the steps,  you should avoid during presenting a answer. Example1: Boundary level problems: It takes 10 minutes to derive different initial possible conditions. There is no need to explain every thing. It can be directly shown by periodic conditions of wave, heat and Laplace equation.

Example2: ODE: Method of variation of Parameter. There is no need to derive . You can directly put final formula and get the result.

Example 3: PDE and ODE: Homogeneous eqns.. No need to derive steps related to  X=log x... ..  Write directly D'=D(D-1)(D-2) and get final result.

You will know ,how to save time, only by Practice.


The more you give Tests, the more you get Confidence.


Exposure to different type of problems. Example1: You might have studied Mechanics from Krishna Series book. But test series will make you practice different type of questions other than Krishna Series book.


You will arise New Doubts only when you solve problems in Time frame. Generally we just see the solution, without understanding it. When u give exam, then the pen STOPS.

Example1: Dynamics: Central Force Problems.  { minus of Integration of Root of one divided by a-square minus x-square } is minus-sin-inverse-x  or may be written as plus-cos-inverse-x , as constant pi/2 can be absorbed in the equation. Such doubts arise only when u give test series.


Stage 4: Fill the GAPS

After giving test series, you will know the topics which you have missed during preparation. Now these topics can be finished.

Its the time to mug up very important theorems, like Cayley Hamilton theorem, Rank-Nulity theorem etc.

Now you can spare some extra time for Modern Algebra.

Learn tough topics like Generating Lines, Paraboloids of Analytic Geometry.

Now practice more questions on Statics and Dynamics.

2) When Should I do Theorems ?

Upsc generally asks Problems. Sometimes they may ask theorems. So Don't waste time on proof of theorems. Just note down theorems and learn the proof ONLY after finishing entire syllabus.

Do ONLY important theorems. It is IMPOSSIBLE to learn All theorems. Even if you learn all theorems, it will be difficult to remember proof during exam. The Output ratio of working hard on theorems is very low. SO Don't waste time during initial preparation.

3) How to Learn Upsc Mechanics ?

UPSC asks 6 type of Questions for Upsc Mechanics Paper 2.

1) Find Moment of Inertia

2) Problems on Lagrange

3) Problems on Hamilton

4) Problems on D-Alembert Principle

5) Motion in 2 Dimensions

6) Problems on Energy Conservation and Momentum.

Solve Moment of Inertia problems from Krishna Series. All questions from this book is important. Don't do the advanced Ellipsoid type of problems on Moment of Inertia. Write down all Calculus Formula in your Formula book. Every year one question is asked for 10 Marks Compulsory question.

Lagrange and Hamiltonian is VERY VERY EASY TOPIC, unless you do it. Take any Graduation Book and learn the steps used in solving problems. I don't recommend Krishna Series to learn the method because , Krishna series uses Work Function method , instead of Potential V.  I strongly believe that instead of Work Function, you should take Potential of the System. If a body is above Reference level, then take the potential as Positive and Negative, if it is Below the reference level.  Next step is to get Rotational and Translational Energy of the System. Then combine it to  L = T - V . The next step is all Mathematical Part. But Practice Problems from Krishna Series. Do Oscillatory Problems from Krishna Series. They are easy if you know, how to get the Lagrangian L-Equation. 

There are around 8 Problems on D-Alembert Principle. All questions are very important. Everyone must know the procedure. Questions are repeated again and again.

Preparation  on 2D Motion and Conservation principle is very time consuming and risky work. It is because , each question has its own procedure, its own formula substitution and its own understanding. There are more than 100 questions, which is very difficult to understand and mug up all questions. So it is advisable not to waste TIME on these topics. 

Questions are frequently repeated. SO one must solve all previous problems from 1992-2020. The question asked in Upsc 2020 question on Particle on Cylinder with central force is a direct question asked earlier in 2007. 

Checkout the Video Solution of the above problem: Click.

SuccessClap provide Mechanics Course . It contains Video explanation to All questions from Krishna series, important questions  and all Video solutions to Previous Year Problems from 1992-2020. You can finish the entire syllabus in very less time by watching all Videos. Checkout the Course and start Learning.

SuccessClap provides Free Mechanics Important questions, which is available on the homepage of website. Please download it and start practicing.

4) How to learn Upsc Maths Fluid Dynamics ?

Fluid Dynamics for Upsc Maths is one of the topic which is NOT studied by most of the student. But this topic is Not difficult to learn.

UPSC 2020 paper 2 is Tough. But the Two questions asked on Fluid Dynamics are VERY VERY easy questions, which takes less than 3 minutes to finish it. Yes it takes less than 3 minutes to Solve.

Checkout the Video Solution of two questions asked in UPSC Maths 2020.

Upsc Maths Fluid Dynamics 2020: Source Sink Problem: Click

Upsc Maths Fluid Dynamics 2020: Stream Function Problem: Click

Before you start preparing this topic, you should ask ONE BIG QUESTION TO YOURSELF.  Why you want to Study Fluid Dynamics ? If your answer is to become IAS, then YOU SHOULD FORGET SEARCHING FOR LOGIC in Fluid Dynamics.  YOU SHOULD SHOW MAGIC BY PRODUCING ANSWER TO QUESTION. No matter is your IQ level, Brilliancy or Anything..  If your answer to above question is different, then its better to quit Upsc preparation.

Upsc directly picks a question from Dr.M.D.Raisinghania book. Upsc is asking you to SHOW answer. Its your responsibility to show answer. It doesn't matter weather you understood it or NOT. Just give answer. 

Fluid Dynamics for UPSC is purely a Mathematical Concept. The concepts are FAR FAR away from Fluid Dynamics studied by Mechanical Engineering or ANY Engineering stream.

How to Learn ? 

1) The sequence of topics to be studied should be same as given in the book.

2)The book explains the required theory properly. You must read it carefully. Try to understand the origin of the concept. 

3) Solve all problems from the books. Make a Note of the procedure in a separate book. DONOT TRY TO LOOK LOGIC INTO IT. Checkout how to make a note on each problem.

Questions are frequently repeated. So one must solve all previous problems from 1992-2020.

SuccessClap provide Fluid Dynamics Course . It contains Video explanation to All questions from Dr.M.D.Raisinghania Book and all Video solutions to Previous Year Problems from 1992-2020. You can finish the entire syllabus in very less time by watching all Videos. Checkout the Course and start Learning.

5) How to Learn Statics and Dynamics ?

Do these Topics in the Last stage of Preparation.

The topics are extremely easy to understand. For every topic, there are around 20 questions whih are very easy to understand. These questions appear in the starting point. It is advisable to learn these problems thoroughly. The remaining problems are tough to understand, so you can leave these questions.

Questions are generally NOT REPEATED. But it is advisable to Solve all Previous year Problems from 1992-2020.

So you must Solve initial 20 questions and Previous Year questions.

SuccessClap is planning to launch separate Video course on these topic shortly.

6) I am a Fresher and appearing for UPSC Exam 2021  What should be my Strategy ?

You have time to complete your syllabus. Make a Plan.. A very good plan to finish syllabus in 3 months. You only focus on finishing the syllabus and practicing all important questions. 

Your ONLY AIM should be finishing the syllabus. You should RUN very very FAST to finish Syllabus.

You can take full length Tests after Prelims.

Start with very easy topics first. Then do Medium tough Topics. Then do the Tough Topics.

Very easy topics are Linear Algebra, Vector Analysis, LPP, Numerical Analysis,Complex Analysis, ODE. You should not take More than 1 week to finish these topics.

Medium Tough topics are Calculus, Real Analysis, PDE, Mechanics, Fluid Dynamics. These topics must be finished in less than 10 Days.

Tough Topics are Statics, Dynamics, Analytic Geometry, Modern Algebra.

It is advisable not to waste time on Modern Algebra. You can do it once you finish All Topics.

Do Only Important questions from Statics and Dynamics.

Analytic Geometry takes lot of time. The Easy topics are Straight Lines, Planes, Skew Lines, Shortest Distance, Cone, Sphere and Cylinder, which takes less time. Topics on Conicoid, Paraboloid, Ellipsoid, Generating Lines take very long time. At one stage, you just have to Mug up the solutions. It becomes very difficult to imagine and understand the problem itself. Then u have no option to mup up the Solution. One GOOD NEWS with Analytic Geometry is that problems are directly picked from Krishna Series. Do not waste time on P.N.Chaterjee Book.

So Take a Pen and Paper and make a Time Table for 3 months to finish your syllabus. Keep a deadline to finish the Syllabus. Also Put a penalty, if you do not finish in Time. Don't miss this golden opportunity. Just Finish it.

7) I completed my Syllabus once, but I am not getting confidence. What should be the Strategy ?

It is advisable to Solve different model problems, which you have missed during earlier preparation. Checkout the Syllabus thoroughly to find any missing topic and Finish it.

Solve all Previous year Problems. Previous year questions are repeated. So you must solve All problems.

So Solve ALL Previous Year Problems, Practice All Important questions and Take Maximum Full Length Test Series. You get Confidence only if you are in continuous process of learning. Only a BREAK in preparation looses confidence. Make your self busy in taking Tests and Learning Important things.

SuccessClap provides Question Bank and also conduct 45 Full Length Tests. Checkout the content and start taking Maximum Tests. We evaluate , give feed back and send answer copy in 3/4 Days. Checkout the Content and start taking Tests.

8) I appeared for Mains earlier. What should be my Strategy?

You have finished the syllabus atleast once . You need Practice and More Practice .It is advisable to Solve All Previous Year Problems and take Maximum Full Length Tests. Your aim should be Practice and More Practice. Take as many tests as possible. Don't leave it for After Prelims. It is because, you don't know the gap Upsc may give this year  between Prelims and Mains. It takes hardly One week to declare Prelims Result and conduct Upsc Mains Exam Early. Then you will run out of time. You have to balance GS and Maths preparation. So Do everything before Prelims itself.

SuccessClap conducts 45 Full Length Tests. We evaluate , give feed back and send answer copy in 3/4 Days. Checkout the Content and start taking Tests. You can also checkout Question Bank to Solve variety of Problems.

9) Why you should Take Mock Tests  for UPSC Exam ?

It is advisable to take maximum number of Mock Tests, before you actually give exam. 

You must Test yourself, before Upsc actually Tests you. You must know your weakness and must rectify it. It is a golden opportunity to write MAINS exam, which you should not miss. 

Some common mistakes 

a)silly mistakes, like you read a number as 7, but you write it as 9 and end up wrong answer. 

b)calculation mistakes. 

c)Writing Lengthy explanations, which kills your time. You need to optimise Time.

Example: Boundary problems in PDE, Method of variation of Parameters.

d)Wrongly understanding the question.

e)Doing extra thing, which is not asked in the question. 

Example : Solve a problem using Cayley Hamilton theorem. Here you don't need to explain Cayley Hamilton theorem and also there is no need to prove it. You are suppose to solve the problem.

f)Solving a problem with another method which is not relevant.

Example: Solve a ODE question. Some students solve them using Laplace method. Though the procedure and the final solution is correct, the examiner will not give you marks, because the question did not ask to solve by Laplace.

g) UPSC 2020 question paper is tough and tricky. If you analysis , you will know that , it is a GAME of choosing RIGHT questions. Many students were in TRAP and selected wrong questions. You can avoid such trap , only if you practice it well in advance.

SuccessClap provides 45 Full Length Tests. We evaluate and give feed back in 3/4 Days. Join our test series and Start Practicing Now.

10) How Question Bank and Solutions will help you to achieve TOP MARKS in UPSC Maths?

READY MADE Questions and ANSWERS at one place. No need to buy different books. All questions from various sources at one place. Easy and Quick Access.

Quick Revision of ALL Topics at one glance. No Topic is missed. Get PICTORIAL VIEW of All Questions and Answers. See Question and Answer again and again and get its picture in your mind.

 Easy to Recollect Steps and Final Answer in Exam Hall. Easy to Recollect Exact Substitution, Formula used in EXAM HALL.

During MAINS EXAM, one must balance GS and optional paper. This will help in Time management.It takes 15-20 minutes to Go through ALL QUESTIONS and SOLUTIONS of any TOPIC. SO you can REVISE FAST.

Confidence Boost, that you have Solved lot of Problems.

Organised Preparation: You will Study only relevant Topic for exam.

Question Bank and Solutions is for PRACTICE, PRACTICE and More PRACTICE.

SuccessClap provides Question Bank and Solutions to ALL Topics. It will definitely useful to practice more questions. Checkout and Start Practicing.

For any query: WhatsApp : 9346856874

Good Luck.

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